Competitive Strengths
To establish a solid reputation in the freight forwarding industry, we focus on the quality of our transportation services to ensure door to door service allowing customers to benefit from our expert staff for guidance with the physical movement of cargo and documentation compliance.

Well-Functioned Network
Our wide range of services offered has provided us with a significant competitive advantage over other local service providers in the Hong Kong that only offer limited types of road trucking services with fixed routes, itinerary, and schedules.

Long-Standing Relationship with Our Sizeable and Reputable Customers in the PRC
We have been able to maintain stable business relationships with our major customers, including one of our five largest customers, for over nine years.

Seasoned and Motivated Management Team
Our senior management team has an average of approximately 18 years of experience with the Company and over 20 years of experience in the freight forwarding industry in the PRC.

Providing Great Services
Our customers’ long-standing loyalty and recognition of our service quality is the key factor leading to our success.

Fleet and Maintenance System Designed to Optimize Life Cycle Investment
Our fleet represents our largest capital investment, a visible representation of our brand for customers and drivers and a large portion of our controllable costs. We select, maintain and dispose of our fleet based on rigorous analysis of our investments and operating cost.